You too CAN make a DIFFERENCE!

Keep Lalor Beautiful!

I’ve been riding my bike from the Inner North  to Epping & Lalor for over 6 years. Unfortunately litter gets worse as I travel further north and quite overwhelming in Lalor. So, what do I do about it? Two simple things make a difference! 

  1. Snap Send Solve! This is a great App to download to your phone. When you come across an issue – you can take a photo and the app will identify the location and send your photo and concerns to the correct council for action.

Two recent examples of success with Snap, Send Solve! The photos below show two locations with almost immediate results! See the before and after snaps! Two minute efforts has generated amazing results!

  1. If you get the chance, pick up rubbish and put it in a nearby bin. If I am walking, I often carry tongs and a bag to pick up rubbish, or if on my bike, I pick up rubbish at the lights when I am stopped. (If I stopped to pick up everything I see on my way, I would never get to work!)

Let’s make Lalor beautiful! Lalor is full of beautiful people who deserve a beautiful environment too. Below you can see before and after shots of Brock St rubbish clean up and then Cheddar Road weed control!