
Lalor Neighbourhood House has a dedicated classroom for courses and activities in information technology, digital media and basic computing. If you want to learn how to use your new computer or device, we may be able to help you with access to our facilities or with a short course.


Contact our office to learn more about:

Introduction to Computers

  • OHS; Physical connectivity; Start, Booting, Shutdown and different options; Operating system; Using mouse, keyboard, printer, monitor and scanner; File management; Identify signs and symptoms of computer virus; Techniques to protect;  computer; Backup data; Print options; Computer safety; Software and hardware.

For more information click Introduction to Computers 

Intermediate Computers

  • Working with files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); Working with templates; Adjust Word window for efficiency; Format the document; Insert objects; Adjust page layout and design; Save documents in different formats; Work with multiple documents simultaneously; Edit the document; Work with tables and smart art/graphics; Print files in various formats.

For more information click Intermediate Computers

Using Internet Devices – introduction

  • Browsers; Different ways to connect devices; Options to stay in touch when overseas; Browser security; Your privacy and adjusting it to the right level; Search on internet; Viruses, bots, DDoS…; Staying safe online; Employment where and how; Fill online forms; Emails.

Using Internet Devices Intermediate

  • Setup internet; security of the device; Smartphone personalisation; smartphone apps; Smartphone security; Pay bills online; Start your business using internet; iPads and tablets; Identify and report spam.
  • Evening classes available if enough students interested

Check out our full brochure here: 2025 Brochure

Or complete our Expression of Interest form here:

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