Lalor Neighbourhood House has a growing number of wonderful volunteers joining our programs. We particular want to say thank you to Zaheda Dayoub who has joined the centre over the last few months and is helping to set up better systems for our volunteers and has joined our Committee of Management. So we are very grateful for her support, particularly as 2023 will see us recruit many more volunteers to help with our Lalor Refresh project to help us build community gardens, create murals and run educational programs in sustainable lifestyles.
Meanwhile we want to say a big thank you to Ildiko Kormanos! Ildiko joined the centre over 12 years ago to learn English. When she arrived from Hungary she had no English at all but now she volunteers to run our Art class which is growing in popularity! Ildiko also worked with our Victoria Uni students to create a wonderful Welcome Mural at our entrance with over 100 languages! Ildiko’s contribution to the centre is wonderful, she brings her gentle, encouraging and beautiful spirit to everything she does.