Local Programs & Social Groups

Lalor Neighbourhood House has a range of local programs, activities and events in addition to an extensive list of courses and services on offer.

Social Groups and Activities at LNH

Lalor Neighbourhood House has lots of new activities and groups starting up thanks to our University Student

Learn more about our amazing new Lalor Refresh Project!

Follow the link here!

Playgroup Wednesday Mornings 9.30-11am

Come along with your little one and meet other mums. Access to our wonderful Occasional Childcare centre resources for the morning! Check our flyer for more information

Neighbourhood Connections Mondays 10.30-12.30

Older Italian community come together every Monday from 10.30am to 12.30 pm to drink coffee, share Italian delicacies and have fun together. Different activities every week – planned together with our guests. Feel free to join us on Mondays!

Wednesday morning art classes 9.30-11am

Join Ildiko and learn all sorts of simple art techniques and unleash your inner artist! A lovely gentle and casual group. Flyer here

Thursday morning Brunch 11am-12.30pm

Drop in for a cuppa, try out our fab coffee machine, catch up with old friends or make some new ones! Check our flyer

Youth Drop-In Hub Thursdays 3pm-5.30pm

If you are aged 12-17 come hang out with some other young people, play games, table tennis, indoor soccer, computers, make some art! More info here.