‘We are the World- Lalor’
We know we have already shared this, but this is our final best version of our gorgeous film clip, which we hope you will share with all your networks far and wide! Let’s put Lalor on the Map! Biggest thank you to Liz Skitch from Thomastown Neighbourhood House who made this film happen and for her wonderful words below.
‘We are the World- Lalor’ celebrates the launch of the Lalor Neighbourhood House Refresh Project. The Refresh project revitalised and transformed the neglected laneway and surrounds of Lalor Neighbourhood House into a thriving community space with Street Art and Gardens.
Lalor Neighbourhood House Manager, Meredith Budge asked me to work as director on the Film Clip and to help bring the project together. The experience of working with videographer, Jason Cheetham, musicians Anna Struth and Cam Prestipino together with seeing the whole community in Lalor get involved was one of those inspiring moments where community + creativity = community development at its most potent and powerful!
Lalor Neighbourhood House and Thomastown Neighbourhood House would like to thank videographer Jason Cheetham, musicians Anna Struth and Cam Prestipino (Cam also for Sound Design), St Lukes Primary School Choir, Lalor Italian Women’s Choir, Mural Artists Bushra Hasan, Amanda Rodgers, Ildiko Kormanos, Alex Kerr and Halime Alpogut. Special thanks to LNH’s amazing team of volunteers and staff and all the community members who joined on the day to paint, sing and dance! Lalor Neighbourhood House would also like to thank and acknowledge the support of Victorian Department of Transport and Planning, Sustainability Victoria, City of Whittlesea and Melbourne Airport.
If you are able to share this with your community networks, the most important message we want to send out on behalf of Lalor Neighbourhood House is:
Please come and visit! Lalor Neighbourhood House is located behind the Lalor Library. We welcome you to our space where you can learn, connect and make new friends within our culturally diverse community!
Liz Skitch, Thomastown Neighbourhood House!