The sun shone, the crowds came, the food was amazing and the singing sublime! What a wonderful way to celebrate the completion of our Lalor Refresh Project! 

So many people to thank! Bushra Hasan made it all happen! And then a long list of volunteers and Ildiko Kormanos who helped Bushra create all the gorgeous artworks – with still more to come! Halime Alpogut decorated all our fences! Marti Fooks designed our beautiful garden with the support of Adrian Napoleone from the City of Whittlesea! ID Design did a wonderful job of installing the garden!  And then there was the singing! Thanks to Liz Skitch, Cam and Anna and Jason for orchestrating the big singalong of We Are the World! A video will be out soon! And especially to the St Luke’s choir that really added to its zing. 

Thanks to our funders, Dept Transport and Planning, Sustainability Victoria, City of Whittlesea, DSS Strong Communities grants and Melbourne Airport! And all our wonderful partners, too many to mention here! 

Come in a few weeks to see the final installation of our seats and the unveiling of our plaque telling our story and thanking our artists! And watch out for more artworks! 

Our vision is to transform the whole laneway, down to the library! So watch this space! Meanwhile, join us in the painting, gardening and for our new social enterprise where you can learn to make products to sell! Drop in Monday to Thursday fro 9-4pm to find out more! 

More to come in the next few weeks but see the lovely photos here capturing the spirit of the day so beautifully! Thanks to Pauline Longley for these wonderful photo collages!