We had a wonderful AGM last Wednesday with terrific attendance and lovely presentations. For a sense of what we all talked about, see our beautiful Annual Report here! It was mostly a chance to say THANK YOU to all our volunteers, staff, partners and supporters for a wonderful year! The highlight of the day was our Volunteer of the Year presentation! Our longest serving volunteer, Maria Madia, was presented with gift vouchers for lunch at Casa D’Abruzzo, thanks to their generous donation to LNH. It was a lovely celebration of the Lalor Refresh Project. And of course, we elected our new committee! And what a great new committee it is. Our wonderful President and Treasurer, Rosa Harrison and Leanne Wright, will continue in their roles, joined now by Jenny Nicholls as Secretary and we also welcome Abir Ali, Susan Perkins and Kris Pavlidis and welcome back Alita D’Souza, Renjith Thomas and Zara Al Hasany who are returning for a another year.  We also want to say a big thank you and farewell to Zaheda Dayoub and Marilena Aloi who resigned from the committee this year due to study and work commitments! We’ll miss you but hope you’ll both stay in touch! 

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